In Your Own Words
A Community Input Tool

Navigating Resilience in Weather Crisis

Please use the orange button to tell us, in your own words:

What has it been like for you navigating weather resilience in Austin each season? What strategies do you use? What would help you most? What feedback do you have for CRT?

It’s been a very challenging summer for Austinites who are in our most vulnerable communities. Community Resilience Trust is partnering on this pilot project to advocate for accessible information related to climate change and weather events throughout the city. This page is collecting stories from members of our pilot Climate Navigators’ community to share their perspective in their own words. Our goal is to make the resiliency support system better in times of weather-related crises. 

By recording your voice here, you are agreeing to have your recording shared with decision makers and quoted in a report. CRT will not use your voice for further purposes.

Project Partners

This project is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1952196.

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