How do we make Austin the
most equitable city?

We work in trust and in service of a future Austin that works for ALL of us.


CRT operates as a collective, with diverse representation from grassroots, nonprofits, universities, companies and service organizations, as well as other leaders to encourage collaboration, minimize duplication of efforts, and enhance our collective strength.


As a collective, we utilize our diverse backgrounds and work together to think, plan, and act strategically and in cooperation to ensure that Austin's response to challenges like COVID-19 is equitable, effective, and sustainable. In the process, we aim to build our resilience as a community long term.


By creating a foundation for a connected and resilient community, CRT aims to build trust and partnership among our constituents with a long term goal of transforming Austin into a more equitable city. We prioritize and are led by the voices and direct lived experience of the Global Majority with the intent to amplify and take action.

A comprehensive approach for maximum impact

CRT is dedicated to the research, design, advocacy, and implementation of innovative approaches to fighting the deepest systemic factors of inequality. We work across many areas to develop sustainable, more effective solutions to our City’s most complex equity issues. 

We progress in service of change for all

We’ve been busy! See what we have accomplished since March 2020.
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